Inside the shed there is a stack of crates. Visit the shed in the cemetary behind the church. People usually won't think to look there, so it is fairly easy to surprise anyone mosying around that street there. Just jump from the overhang onto the fence, then carefully walk on the fence and jump into the tree. Not so much a glitch, but you can get in the tree near the MG42 facing the allied spawn field (the one you can stand on the overhanging roof in front of). Unfortunately, this glitch is blocked on many serves and alegidly on the 1.2 patch.

If all goes well you will float onto the shed. Equipt yourself with a pistol (for speed) and jump from the lump by the crater onto the barrel, squat (facing away from the aformentioned manision with basement) and then simple stand up. Near the shed there is a small crater in the earth. Between it and the rest of the map sits the shed. First, find the small shed with two barrels next to it near the giant mansion at the top of the hill (near where the allies spawn). This isn't too useful unless you are sniping in a game of no more than 12 or so players. Please post yours (also specify XBOX or PC)! Naturally, unfair advantages in shooting games are fun. Whilst playing my favorite video game ever, Call of Duty 2 for the PC, I have encountered a few map glitches that give unfair advantages to those that use them.