But there's gonna need to be some tweaks! Well, I like the character you're going for, and I hope with some tweaks you're still keen to play Marion in this game. Healing 4: Action - Move, persistent, Limited (requires opponent to take damage from Blast 2)Ĥ Abilities + 30 Powers + 4 Advantages + 7 Skills + 16 Defenses = 61pp Power: Siphon Life (Linked Effects)īlast 2: 200 ft, DC 17, Accurate 2, Secondary Effect, Subtle 2 (undetectable). Power: Nightmare (Sleep Affliction 4)Ĥ00 ft, Accurate 2, Subtle 2 (Undetectable), 1st degree Fatigued, 2nd Exhausted, 3rd Paralysed, Resisted by Will. Regeneration 5: Every 2 rounds, Increased Duration: Continuous Protection 4: Impervious, Increased Duration: Continuous. Heroic, Mental Link, Multiple Minions 2 (4 minions total), Sacrifice, Increased Duration (continuous), Limited (each 4-minion casting requires a Soul Shard).Īccurate 2, Range 400 ft, DC 19, Homing 1, Multiattack, Variable Descriptor (Fire or Shadow)

Str 0, Sta 0, Agl 0, Dex 0, Fgt 0, Int 2, Awe 0, Pre 0Įxpertise +6 (Magic), Insight +3, Perception +3, Persuasion +4Īttractive, Artificer, Benefit (Status - Minor Noble), Move-by ActionĪpprentice Warlock of the Dark Arts (Array 30pp) Warlocks at TTRPG level of fidelity would do better to draw a little less attention to their black arts. I’m going to say the WOW convention in which a warlock can ride a flaming demon horse up into the auction house to buy a new whip for his succubus lackey by his side, is… an abstraction for a video game. By the time of this campaign - 4 years after the events of WC3:FT - warlocks are grudgingly tolerated but obsessively policed by paladins and shamans who are frequently given reason to distrust them. The war against the legion taught the mortal kingdoms they can’t afford to be ignorant of the Fel powers, and if the price of freedom is giving a longer leash to warlocks who are undeniably prone to generating power-hungry miscreants, then so be it. However, they’re not -hanged- anymore, and that’s important. Both horde and Alliance see warlocks as an illicit subversion of their shamanic/lightwielder cultures and publicly, warlocks are distrusted and disliked. Plaids, you ask a fair question, and the answer is: ish. Hi Bananaphone! I’ll look over your character in detail tonight, but it’ll be cool to have a warlock with the group!