If you don’t see the option, or your program doesn’t give you the ability to change the recording device, you can disable or unplug your microphone and make “Stereo Mix” the default recording device. With “Stereo Mix” enabled, you can open up your favorite recording program and select that instead of your microphone before you record. As always, before changing your drivers, make sure create a system restore point in case things don’t go as planned. This was the case on my Asus Eee PC (a 1000HE), but I got around the issue by downloading and installing the older Windows XP/Vista drivers for my audio chipset.

In other instances, however, it’s because the newest Windows drivers for your chipset don’t support this feature. Most likely, this is because they’re outdated.

In some cases, your audio chipset drivers aren’t helping your cause. Right-click on “Stereo Mix” and click “Enable” to be able to use it.